Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Warnings of the Last Days From God the world got corrupt


The Church of Almighty God interesting 42min video for all nations explain why world got corrupt and evil. People need to spread this it is important many need to know the truth one day before it's late. Warnings of the Last Days From God | Christian Video "The Days of Noah Have Come" URL 

"The Church of Almighty God"  from CHINA is a fraud false cults hypocrites! wolves in sheep's clothes! people should no trust or believe in all religion and false teachers and there is many Satan's churches in the world is corrupted. There is a warning in bible in end time many false teachers and religion will come to derive many! do not be fooled by evil demons and spirits because the all of the world is under Satan lie and deception.

I only trust a messenger  (he looks like Moses and GOD) i do not know his name but I'm very sure that he tell the truth he is no part of the world and no need for Satan churches and a cults and religious hypocrites. His website https://www.amidnightcry.com/copy-of-home - See his video clip about religious hypocrites here
**And last one Torch of Christ Ministries can be trusted? u people judge for u self :)- here