Friday, January 18, 2019

Our dying planet heading for destruction

We have reached a stage now is this earth's history where everything is dying. Our planet is groaning and aching under the burden of sin. The oceans and the air are polluted, and man, in his quest for power and wealth is destroying this world like never before in history.
The Bible prophecy's are coming true you can read more at :

-300 Million Tons of Waste in the Mediterranean Sea
-Deadly disease
-Disease hits Bees, Bats and Frogs
-International Team of Ecologists Predict Seas will be EMPTY of Fish by 2048
-More than half of Chinese rivers have 'Disappeared' since 1990s
-For a more info read at:

The planet earth should be clean like this picture:
Paradise Clean

The earth should not be a unclean trash like this pic:
Unclean Trash

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Air pollution and climate change getting worse 2019

Nine out of ten people breathe polluted air every day. In 2019, air pollution is considered by WHO as the greatest environmental risk to health.damaging the lungs, heart and brain, killing 7 million people prematurely every year from diseases such as cancer, stroke, heart and lung disease. Read more at

As i said big evil cooperation and modern industries are responsible for destroying natural world air and sea and land poisoning by oil and chemicals, pollution, etc. People need to get together and all protest against them and take them to justice and make them pay for this sins against nature and all the living things.

David Attenborough was right he said If we don't take action the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction will happen.

Monday, January 14, 2019

God Has a Rap Sheet

God Has a Rap Sheet Film Poster
The world has become a dark cold heartless place evil corrupted with many injustice. Maybe this "God Has a Rap Sheet" video made in 2003 can shed some light in the darkness.

God Has A Rap Sheet - Part One - YouTube
God Has A Rap Sheet - Part Two - YouTube

To Summery up:
  It's not GOD fault that all evil and injustice happen because he gave free will.
  The world is corrupted because of man sin and evil force behind it.
  All people and nations are guilty from the beginning for hate and killing and making false     religion and they never learn from history.
 - Big evil cooperation are responsible for destroying natural world air and sea and land poisoning by oil and chemicals, pollution, etc.