Friday, January 18, 2019

Our dying planet heading for destruction

We have reached a stage now is this earth's history where everything is dying. Our planet is groaning and aching under the burden of sin. The oceans and the air are polluted, and man, in his quest for power and wealth is destroying this world like never before in history.
The Bible prophecy's are coming true you can read more at :

-300 Million Tons of Waste in the Mediterranean Sea
-Deadly disease
-Disease hits Bees, Bats and Frogs
-International Team of Ecologists Predict Seas will be EMPTY of Fish by 2048
-More than half of Chinese rivers have 'Disappeared' since 1990s
-For a more info read at:

The planet earth should be clean like this picture:
Paradise Clean

The earth should not be a unclean trash like this pic:
Unclean Trash

1 comment:

  1. “In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.
    For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers,disobedient to parents,unthankful, disloyal,having no natural afection,not open to any agreement, slanderers,without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power.”
    2 Timothy 3:1-5 [Page 1595]
