Sunday, November 19, 2017

The sun is the solution to climate problem

Solar panels
If all of the world used the sun as an energy source, it would solve many climate problems!
Solar panels absorb the sunlight as a source of energy to generate electricity or heat. Wiki

The history of the solar cell info:
The first solar cell was constructed in the 1950s. The first solar cells were used to generate electricity in places where it was not. Mountain streams, lonely islands or other unavailable places. During the 1960s, solar technology developed in space technology to gain access to electricity in space. Over the next decades, technology has evolved further and more and more facilities have been connected to the grid. Better efficiency of solar cells and falling prices have made solar electricity more competitive with fossil fuels and nuclear power.

During the 21st century, the installation rate of solar cells has been almost explosive and solar energy is the fastest growing energy source in the world

90 percent of the world's photovoltaic plants consist of silicon cells. There are also second generation solar cells with thin film cells. They came onto the market in the early 2000s, but are more expensive to manufacture. Third-generation solar cells based on nanotechnology are still at the research stage, but will soon be on the market

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